PRINCIPAL Kabir International School

Education is one of the means to transmit the light of life and spread the radiance of it in the ambience in which we live. Teaching and learning offers us all numerous opportunities to focus on a number of “small things” that culminate over time to produce students who are prepared to do the “great things” of life.

“Education is the foundation upon which we build our future”. Keeping this in mind Kabir International School aim at the integral development of each student and improve every aspect of child's personality that works towards molding the child in to a well equipped human being.

We lend the platform and work hard backstage to applaud our students in all their activities, bring out the hidden talents. We provide maximum space and take effort to make them more creative and innovative. We also focus on the co-curricular activities through which a child can develop wider areas.

Families, teachers, support staff, community members, and administration all play a vital part in helping our students to develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can make a positive difference. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children.